Song: 2Sweet Fun Song 2

Stage 1:

  • Building the chorus beats and bassline using Nexus only!
  • Created chorus lead here
  • Feeling like adding samples.. so.. let’s do it!
  • Nexus > Dance Leads > LD A simple Saw is a nice lead that connects between 2 notes.
  • Add vocal leads into chorus (skipped… unable to remember next day)
  • Bounce to stage1_bounce
  • Unload instruments to stage1_unloaded


Stage 2:

  • Feel like adding strings, ended up adding ‘Omnisphere > Steps of Eternity 1’ feeling good!
  • Remember to fix LEAD trailing missing note.
  • Working on intro and verse
  • “2Sweet” lick
  • Bounce to stage2_bounce
  • Unload instruments to stage2_unloaded


Stage 3:

  • Complete the skeleton


Stage 4

  • Improve intro and ending
  • Lovely guitar feedback from omnisphere is nice guitar feedback
  • Oink Oink from omnisphere is nice lead that connects between 2 notes.
  • Bounce to stage4_bounce
  • Unloaded to stage4_unloaded


Stage 5

  • Fills nicely.
  • Nexus > Xp Drums SIngles > DR FX 6 is thunder sound.
  • Nexus > XP Drums singles > DR Subbass – is subsweep
  • Added a funny dropping sound from Omni > Sinedrop > drops from any note!
  • Bounce to stage5_bounce
  • Unload to stage5_unloaded


Stage 6

  • Make bridge fuller, add piano?
  • Bounce to stage6_bounce
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Song: 2Sweet Fun song

So after 7 months, they wanted the full version..

So resuming from stage 3…

Stage 4:

  1. Copy and pasted all the vocal parts for the song for the full song.


Stage 5:

  • Adding details to icing on the arrangement..
  • Bouncing to rough_stage5_bounce
  • Unload to rough_stage5_unloaded


Stage 6:

  • pads pads pads!
  • Omni > Synth Poly
  • Bounce to rough_stage6_bounce
  • Unload to rough_stage6_unload

Stage 7:

  • Mix!
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Song Arrangement Production: Runaway

Stage 1:

  • Started working from final chorus.
  • Improved snare by stacking.
  • Added hi-spray to snare hit for digital feel. Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR Snares 4 > bp cutoff > atk, delay, sustain (reduce).
  • added blips by adding Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR hihats combo 8 > Filter bp cutoff > and added LFO effect to it to make it more random.
  • Added explosions to snare and hits for more drama. Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR Percussions 1.
  • Bounce to rough_stage1_bounce
  • Unload instruments to rough_stage1_unloaded


Stage 2: Pads

  • Omni nasal pulse phatty lead > plus EQ > plus high reverb = ghostly effect that stacks well with electric guitar rock song. Find a nice melody lead.
  • For effects, add Omni Something is about to happen and Omni Planning revenge.
  • Bounce to rough_stage2_bounce
  • Unload to rough_stage2_bounce_unloaded

Stage 3: Bombs






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Song: Dream Girls Friend

Stage 1: Skeleton

  1. So I wrote the song last night before I sleep.
  2. Now I use piano to play out a rough skeleton of the song.
  3. Then I record the chords.
  4. Then I added v guitar and groove beats.
  5. Now I finished a skeleton.
  6. Now to get the right key for the girls, I used gong tong peng you as range reference, first I get lowest and highest notes, and try to set the whole song in the same range.
  7. -2 = B key
  8. Decided to arrange a bit but starting from the end of the song!

Stage 2: Reverse arrangement

  1. Added bass
  2. then added kontakt guitar, coldplayish, need to use pedal
  3. Bounce to rough_stage2_bounce
  4. Unload instruments and save to rough_stage2_bounce_unloaded


Stage 3: Vocals


Stage 4: Mixing


Stage 5: new lyrics and recording.

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記得文章都要在右邊選擇 ‘Jenny 學習路程’ 的分類阿!



July. 23 -2013

好的~~! 今天終於把Virtual Acoustic Guitar、HALionOne、Groove Agent、VG Electric Edition的音色和節奏都調好了!




原始一點的做法,就是再開一軌同樣的樂器 (再開一把吉他,選擇不一樣的彈法和音色),但是晚點才開始給他下 MIDI。 至於鼓呢,比較麻煩,下一堂課再教你。 – jeric





對…我現在已經在疲乏狀態….. ( z~Z~z~Z~ )


照現在這樣的進度…. 20天能完成一首歌嗎我?!

天啊~~~做音樂真的不簡單啊~~~~~~~~ =0=”





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Song: LOL ERock


  • vocal
  • melody
  • groovy,sexy,dance,shiok!
  • lyrics
  • style
  • music


vocal editing priorities:

  • feeling
  • diction
  • style/skill (end of slice pick)
  • volume (adjust – sounds soothing to ear, mix well into music)
  • vari length pitch (crossfade sources, bounce and do)


Build up Rising synth sweep (pitch mod) intro:

  • Omnisphere Default
  • Change Soundsource to Air Raid
  • Adjust Bend Up values, and play with Pitch bend
  • Hit the note where the sweep starts
  • Draw the Pitch Bend Modulation line in Midi Editor.
  • Adjust note and Bend Up Values to get perfect build up rise.


Stage 1:

  1. Gathering build up sweeps, noises, noise hits
  2. the LFO up sweep white noise (david guettaish)  can be found as a finished product in Vandalism Shocking Build up pack in localmusicdata/collectedsamples/ (I created my own in Candlelight, so we can use this to save time, or re-use the custom one in Candlelight
  3. Discovered trick to make any sample RISE – use the omni ‘Roadrunner of the Future’ and use custom sample to rise
  4. bigfishaudio dubstep killer > kit 05 >last note  is a nice rising future car sound
  5. bigfishaudio dubstep killer > kit 08 > A#2  is a nice rising sweep
  6. bigfishaudio dubstep killer kits, have a few nice SUB SWEEP to use.
  7. Mod wheel a SINE (say tr arp 2600, with bend 2 – 20) , in Omni, can also have a buildup risiing sub sweep.
  8. This project stage is named is ‘rough’
  9. Time to bounce these beats and effects in WAV and save project as ‘rough_bounce’
  10. Finally, unload the instruments to get a ‘rough_bounce_unloaded’ project.


Stage 2:

  1. Added melodies and chorus high
  2. Massive: To adjust Pitch bend range, head to Synth > OSC tab in the middle, and adjust
    Up and Down.
  3. When saving a custom new patch, save to Cubase project document AND Storeroom
    Musicdata > Others > Massive_Jeric_Sounds
  4. To make the whip / clap sound in Chorus, use a
    Nexus Clap (DR Claps 9)and and and a Reverb and increase Mix. (discovered later, oct 7th, 2013, under Nexus > Percussions 1 > there is a nice whip)
  5. Discovered a nice dubstep scratch sound at
    Nexus > XP Dance Vol 2. > LD HS Velo Pitchlead
  6. This project stage is named ‘rough_stage2’
  7. Time to bounce these ideas and save as ‘rough_stage2_bounce’
  8. Finally, unload instruments, but I found a chorus stack and bounced it before saving ‘rough_stage2_bounce’


Stage 3:

  1. Adjusted some parts and sound, decided the melody and idea for 3rd part and ending.
  2. Added FX channel, reverb, music needs to be smoother, prettier, for the ‘market’


Stage 4:

  1. Vocoder effect, requires a source wave, could be vocals. So I apply IL Vocodec on my vocal, and added a MIDI track and select the vocal+IL Vocodec track as the OUTPUT for the MIDI track.
  2. Out to find all the nice LOL sounds for this track that is suitable and keep the electro rock mood to it.
  3. Bounce to rough_stage4_bounce
  4. Unload to rough_stage4_unloaded


Stage 5:

  1. Added Bass
  2. Upgraded beats a little
  3. Bounce to rough_stage5_bounce
  4. Unload to rough_stage5_bounce_unloaded


Stage 6:

  1. Recorded vocals.. should it sound good, but what attitude?
  2. Got a little lost, so I’m going to look at previous blogs on my vocals. Found write up on 我想了很久, and thus.. I got my priorities.
  3. Designed a crazy rap – now to get the sound, I get my perfect rap sound, then I make 5 doubles.
  4. And then I experiment getting low and high version and keeping the source, will play and mix later.

Stage 7:

  1. Perfect the main singing vocals.
  2. When adding Delay > StereoDelay to a mono track vocal, only the left part works. To do stereo,need to send the vocal to a newly created FX track.


Stage 8:

  1. Perfect and create a rap sound. Keep cutting for best expression.
  2. Rap sound = 1 low , 1 high , 1 double exact stack, 1 robot stack
  3. Adjust each volume solo, to stack nicely with main rap sound.
  4. Then listen and mute on and off at random times so it sounds like 1 vocal.
  5. do mute read write for ‘High’ then ‘Low’ then ‘Robot’ and ‘double stack’.
  6. Jeric’s private vocal sound.


Stage 9:

  1. Mixing!!! Upgrade some of the core sounds of the arrangement.
  2. Left and rights.
  3. Snare boosts?
    -blend with sample/s
    -boost/cut frequencies
    -transient designer
    -better drum/head/tuning/player
  4. To add punch try using SPL compressor or look for SPL Attacker.


Stage 10: (modification, adding DOUBLE KILL)

  1. Re-record new rap lyrics
  2. Edited chorus rift (see below)


Stage 2 edit:

Went back to stage 2 (rough_stage2_bounce), to edit chorus disco lead. Chorus rift had a stack in stage 3, but i skipped it and edited in stage10.

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VST: FX Teleport

If there are problems seeing the server, sometimes you need to restart FX Teleport server on the remote machine. And then also click on the ‘Options/Tools’ icon. use ‘ping <ip> -t’ on both computers to estabish a connection.


If it’s a Parallels Machine, make sure it has its own IP address by using a Bridged network instead of Shared.


Give it a static IP.

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Song: 我想了很久


  • vocal
  • melody
  • touching
  • lyrics
  • style
  • music


vocal editing priorities:

  • feeling
  • diction
  • style/skill (end of slice pick)
  • volume (adjust – sounds soothing to ear, mix well into music)
  • vari length pitch (crossfade sources, bounce and do)



With the above in mind, let’s do this piece.


Let’s try to do this one really fast.

Started 1:29pm 28th May 2013.

  1. Get song tempo. Should be 61.
  2. Starting song at bar 10, cos on average that should be a good enough for space intro.
  3. After a 5 minutes of thinking, song should be: verse intro, verse, chorus, solo, chorus, verse ending. And sort of free play at certain parts.
  4. Finish 1st verse and chorus piano skeleton.
  5. Decided to move the whole chunk to bar 15 instead.. imagined a longer intro.
  6. Added violin and cello, to solo the intro, don’t really like it.
  7. Added guitar strum, nice. Added guitar pluck in verse, nice too.

Ok I totally missed my mark, rested nearly 2 weeks of meetings.

So I continued and and finally reached stage 2.

stage 2:

  1. Added dramatic Hit, explosive boom, and Snare which is basically filtered white noise.
  2. And then cinematic sounds for hihat replacements.
  3. Finally some standard drum sounds from Groove Agent!
  4. That’s it a short stage 2 so I can move onto the dramatic SOLO!


stage 3:

  1. The solo! Very beautiful mix of orchestra, electro, and Addictive Drums, custom drums, saved as preset both in Song Folder, and in MusicData on Storeroom. Always save in 2 places!



Oh no, it’s 6th July! 1 month.

Anyway, discovered a new sound in Omnisphere – Rumble Impact Vertigo – by turning on just Ancients, it can sound like spaceship landing.

I’m currently at Stage 7, adding pads and fx into the track. Headed to Omni, and selected Genre > Ambient. Then browsed through EACH instrument and run through chordworks, and see which fx fits.


another nice fx: time travel

Life on the Barrier Reef – use only Chaotic Glock


omni – ode to mr newman arp – ebowed piano pure only – sounds very interesting when tempo changes.


since this is a fully self made arrangement, during mixing, just deal with volumes with references, not sound by sound or instrument by instrument, general volumes.

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