Song: 20girls dance song

Original song was 124bpm.. i wanted something longer.. so changed to 122bpm.


Stage 1: after finishing.. go through each MIDI track and recall the stuffs done and write them down here.

  • Wrote the song with F, C, G, Am chords
  • Nexus DR Downlifter Kicks 1 are cool for ending a song.. esp oct +2 c1 on novation.
  • Lay the intro drum beats. (Nexus)
  • Now the sweeps and noises and winds.
  • Some good omnisphere sweets: club noise 1 for short raise, danish noizweep up for rising sweep (rise)
  • Downsweep prologue to use LP bandpass cutoff, automate downwards.
  • Long rise sweep – omnisphere roadrunner
  • Chorus nexus pad, to adjust mod wheel values, go to Nexus > Mod > pb range + and -.
  • Clap sound from LOL Erock method.
  • Explosion sound from Nexus > XP Drums SIngles > DR Downlifter Kicks 1 > with HP filter.
  • the chorus Nexus SAW Pad is a pb-range- of 31. the downslope gradient modwheel is drawn using the LINE tool.
  • Using a lot of sidechain to make space for my lovely KICK out.
  • Guitar: Always add a X-noise mono to guitar track to clean it up, HP the tracks to make space for bass and kick as you work.
  • A lot of prologues (instruments) were use for the rise and down sweeps..
  • Bounce to rough_bounce
  • Unload to rough_unloaded
  • Recording demo vocals for china in rough_demo_vocals
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Display Chinese in XBMC for Confluence and Aeon Nox

Download: http://trac.xbmc.org/attachment/ticket/6397/DejaVuSans%2BDriodSansFallback.ttf

Replace with XBMC / (open contents) Resources / media /fonts/ arial.ttf


Aeon Nox files are found in /Library/Application Support/XBMC/addons/skin.aeon.nox/fonts


Top music chinese lyrics playback skin for now: Aeon MPQ, transparency?


TO cleanly remove XBMC: delete as well ~/Library/Application Support/XBMC

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Song: All I want for Xmas is you 有愛就會實現

Stage 1:

  • Cymbal swell, (cymbal roll) found to do it with Superior drummer, cymbal sound (Ride 3 , B2). in 1/32 quantize, hit every mini beat, copy and paste. After that, use a curve line to draw the velocity from light to heavy.
  • At bottom right of Superior Drummer, select instrument, Ride 3, adjust pitch accordingly.
  • After that at the Envelope section, switch to Attack, and move right as much as possible, to remove the hit sound.
  • Finished and bounced.


Stage 2:

  • Add guitar solo!
  • Add details~!
  • excite guitar solo parts.. some piano parts?
  • add pads from omnisphere > hollow and pure


stage 3:

  • vocals


stage 4:

  • mixing
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Song Arrangement Production: Runaway

Stage 1:

  • Started working from final chorus.
  • Improved snare by stacking.
  • Added hi-spray to snare hit for digital feel. Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR Snares 4 > bp cutoff > atk, delay, sustain (reduce).
  • added blips by adding Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR hihats combo 8 > Filter bp cutoff > and added LFO effect to it to make it more random.
  • Added explosions to snare and hits for more drama. Nexus > XP Drum singles > DR Percussions 1.
  • Bounce to rough_stage1_bounce
  • Unload instruments to rough_stage1_unloaded


Stage 2: Pads

  • Omni nasal pulse phatty lead > plus EQ > plus high reverb = ghostly effect that stacks well with electric guitar rock song. Find a nice melody lead.
  • For effects, add Omni Something is about to happen and Omni Planning revenge.
  • Bounce to rough_stage2_bounce
  • Unload to rough_stage2_bounce_unloaded

Stage 3: Bombs






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How to configure Remote SL for Massive?

  1. Head to Automap software and run it
  2. Check and make sure the ‘Massive’ plugin has been checked in ‘Software Setup > VST’
  3. Restart Cubase or refresh plugin once done.
  4. Load the new ‘Massive (Automap)’ plugin instead of ‘Massive’.
  5. Now the default setup might not be too useful for sound making, so we configure each
    knob by selecting ‘Mixer/Plug-in Mappings > Massive > Edit Mapping…’
  6. We add a new ‘Page’ of setup by selecting ‘Add Page’ in ‘Edit Mapping’ window.
    Now the Remote SL hardware will have a new page of tools when you left-hand scroll up
    or down on it.
  7. Next we start assigning each knob and slider. The knobs and sliders that can be assigned
    are the left 4 rows and the right 2 rows. The 3rd right row is for hardware/software communications. To start assigning, we can select ‘Learn > On’ in the ‘Edit Mapping’ window.
  8. Then we turn or slide the knob we want to use on the Remote SL hardware.
  9. Then we modify the parameter in the loaded ‘Massive’ plugin in Cubase.
  10. That’s it! Start assigning the sliders and knobs you want to use. Create new ‘Pages’ if you like.
    Remember to Save the Mapping into a file and back up, so that it can be used again
    in the future when Cubase or everything is re-installed.
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Song: LOL ERock


  • vocal
  • melody
  • groovy,sexy,dance,shiok!
  • lyrics
  • style
  • music


vocal editing priorities:

  • feeling
  • diction
  • style/skill (end of slice pick)
  • volume (adjust – sounds soothing to ear, mix well into music)
  • vari length pitch (crossfade sources, bounce and do)


Build up Rising synth sweep (pitch mod) intro:

  • Omnisphere Default
  • Change Soundsource to Air Raid
  • Adjust Bend Up values, and play with Pitch bend
  • Hit the note where the sweep starts
  • Draw the Pitch Bend Modulation line in Midi Editor.
  • Adjust note and Bend Up Values to get perfect build up rise.


Stage 1:

  1. Gathering build up sweeps, noises, noise hits
  2. the LFO up sweep white noise (david guettaish)  can be found as a finished product in Vandalism Shocking Build up pack in localmusicdata/collectedsamples/ (I created my own in Candlelight, so we can use this to save time, or re-use the custom one in Candlelight
  3. Discovered trick to make any sample RISE – use the omni ‘Roadrunner of the Future’ and use custom sample to rise
  4. bigfishaudio dubstep killer > kit 05 >last note  is a nice rising future car sound
  5. bigfishaudio dubstep killer > kit 08 > A#2  is a nice rising sweep
  6. bigfishaudio dubstep killer kits, have a few nice SUB SWEEP to use.
  7. Mod wheel a SINE (say tr arp 2600, with bend 2 – 20) , in Omni, can also have a buildup risiing sub sweep.
  8. This project stage is named is ‘rough’
  9. Time to bounce these beats and effects in WAV and save project as ‘rough_bounce’
  10. Finally, unload the instruments to get a ‘rough_bounce_unloaded’ project.


Stage 2:

  1. Added melodies and chorus high
  2. Massive: To adjust Pitch bend range, head to Synth > OSC tab in the middle, and adjust
    Up and Down.
  3. When saving a custom new patch, save to Cubase project document AND Storeroom
    Musicdata > Others > Massive_Jeric_Sounds
  4. To make the whip / clap sound in Chorus, use a
    Nexus Clap (DR Claps 9)and and and a Reverb and increase Mix. (discovered later, oct 7th, 2013, under Nexus > Percussions 1 > there is a nice whip)
  5. Discovered a nice dubstep scratch sound at
    Nexus > XP Dance Vol 2. > LD HS Velo Pitchlead
  6. This project stage is named ‘rough_stage2’
  7. Time to bounce these ideas and save as ‘rough_stage2_bounce’
  8. Finally, unload instruments, but I found a chorus stack and bounced it before saving ‘rough_stage2_bounce’


Stage 3:

  1. Adjusted some parts and sound, decided the melody and idea for 3rd part and ending.
  2. Added FX channel, reverb, music needs to be smoother, prettier, for the ‘market’


Stage 4:

  1. Vocoder effect, requires a source wave, could be vocals. So I apply IL Vocodec on my vocal, and added a MIDI track and select the vocal+IL Vocodec track as the OUTPUT for the MIDI track.
  2. Out to find all the nice LOL sounds for this track that is suitable and keep the electro rock mood to it.
  3. Bounce to rough_stage4_bounce
  4. Unload to rough_stage4_unloaded


Stage 5:

  1. Added Bass
  2. Upgraded beats a little
  3. Bounce to rough_stage5_bounce
  4. Unload to rough_stage5_bounce_unloaded


Stage 6:

  1. Recorded vocals.. should it sound good, but what attitude?
  2. Got a little lost, so I’m going to look at previous blogs on my vocals. Found write up on 我想了很久, and thus.. I got my priorities.
  3. Designed a crazy rap – now to get the sound, I get my perfect rap sound, then I make 5 doubles.
  4. And then I experiment getting low and high version and keeping the source, will play and mix later.

Stage 7:

  1. Perfect the main singing vocals.
  2. When adding Delay > StereoDelay to a mono track vocal, only the left part works. To do stereo,need to send the vocal to a newly created FX track.


Stage 8:

  1. Perfect and create a rap sound. Keep cutting for best expression.
  2. Rap sound = 1 low , 1 high , 1 double exact stack, 1 robot stack
  3. Adjust each volume solo, to stack nicely with main rap sound.
  4. Then listen and mute on and off at random times so it sounds like 1 vocal.
  5. do mute read write for ‘High’ then ‘Low’ then ‘Robot’ and ‘double stack’.
  6. Jeric’s private vocal sound.


Stage 9:

  1. Mixing!!! Upgrade some of the core sounds of the arrangement.
  2. Left and rights.
  3. Snare boosts?
    -blend with sample/s
    -boost/cut frequencies
    -transient designer
    -better drum/head/tuning/player
  4. To add punch try using SPL compressor or look for SPL Attacker.


Stage 10: (modification, adding DOUBLE KILL)

  1. Re-record new rap lyrics
  2. Edited chorus rift (see below)


Stage 2 edit:

Went back to stage 2 (rough_stage2_bounce), to edit chorus disco lead. Chorus rift had a stack in stage 3, but i skipped it and edited in stage10.

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