How to set up TouchOSC and Motu Microbook II Cuemix for your iPad?

  1. Download the Microbook II driver installer.
  2. After installing the drivers, you will have the Cuemix software, read the CueMix FX TouchOSC for iPad  in the ‘TouchOSC layouts’ inside the installer zip , it provides full instructions on syncing & set up.
  3. Download touchosc editor – http://hexler.net/software/touchosc  (scroll down to downloads section) (I’ve installed it C:\MUSICDATA\OTHERAPPS\TOUCHOSC) – available for mac, windows and linux.
    1. This program requires both 32-bit and 64-bit Java Runtime (JRE) for Windows.
    2. So visit java.com and download 32-bit runtime automatically.
    3. Then head to http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp to manually install Windows Offline 64-bit version,If you run the program without JRE, you get: “No JVM could be found on your system. Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or JRE or download a JRE from www.java.com”
  4. Continue reading and following the steps in Step 2 to finish the connecting
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How to get VST / Midi instruments from old games?

That sounds like a good way to get a good quality rip of the music, but maybe you misunderstood what I meant.. or I didn’t explain it good enough. I don’t want to rip the music from the genesis games, I want the music’s individual instrument samples from its source. I want them so I could map them to a midi controller in a sequencer to make my own music/songs with the same sounds that the game has. I’m sure there are emulators of the soundcard from the genesis, but it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack trying to re-create how each sample sounds. I guess this wouldn’t really be “ripping” then would it? More like looking for the code that tells the soundcard to do a specific modulation to one of the cards instruments.

Yes there is. If you have a VGM file, you can use VGM2OPM to get an OPM of the file, which you can import inside the VOPM VSTi.



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Song: The Darker Me JIDU

Try sidechaining for pump:



I still get jealous.

Stage 1:

Creating my own instrument set/pack for this song. Kontakt has a default behavior of -6db on new instrument load, so before creating, remember to AMP +6db volume for an instrument at Kontakt Tool > Amplifier section.

Creating my own snap sound, combing real snap from abin’s mic recording of my snaps, and merging with Nexus > XP SIngle Drums > DR percussions 9 mid c + 1oct. nice snap.

DR percussions 6 mid c + 2oct. nice snap.

Found a nice sound: nexus: xp drums singles – dr percussions 11 middle C area has a nice snap-like ambient sound that can be used in future music.

Sample kit only contains instruments that can be used, if its ambience and random stuffs, then it should not contain~~

The tambourine sound uses a Stylus tambourine + AudioDamage Dubstation > Basic 1/16 delay > Increased Regen. + Reverence Reverb (Austrian Concert Hall, increased Out and decreased Mix, increased Hi to 20000 and 6.0 gain) + EQ Hipass the whole output.

Sidesticks sound from Stylus.

– The perfect snare was obtained from the Jeric Vinyl Snare pack, combined 2 of them, and exported them as WAV files. Then I Supercharged them and EQed and manually automate volumes so they merge and fade nicely into each other, and I bounced it out. Before Supercharging and eqing again. Finally sampled into Jeric Darker Me kit.

– The perfect verse hat was created using stacked, Stylus + Superior drums hat (pitched shifted +4 semitones). (eqed).

The bounced wav was ‘Supercharged’ and ‘Rcompressed’ , Adjusting the ‘Attack’ and ‘Release’ values, to determine the ‘start’ and ‘end’ of compression respectively – for the desired length and pump of the sound. Stacked with another Stylus Tamborine sound.

– Jeric Reprise Snare is a stack of Jeric Snare + Jeric Vinyl Snare (eqed) + Jeric Vinyl Snare (eqed) to achieve a thick solid snare.

No bouncing since I built my kit.

Unloaded to rough_unload

Stage 2:

– Complete writing song melody.

– Work around the chorus, make it perfect, beats and arrangement , then work the rest of the song from there.

– Modify beats so it sounds more unique than any references.

– Modify key, chords and song structure as well

– Modify lyrics too

– Try extreme? extreme sexy or whatever

– Find a focus on the song, sweet? or read personal goals

– Design for or around Images and performances for the song

– What’s the point and focus of the song?

– Remember to find time to walk around for mouth arrangements and record them down, that’s where your ideas come from.

Stage 3:

– Attempt to record jeric language singing the song .. to get ideas and feeling, even arrangement materials.

– Added woodblock reverb new instrument into Jeric instrument pack. It is a percussion with EQ, Dubstation (delay), and Reverance Reverb eq.

  • Export the sound wav, and paste into Jeric Custom Sounds > Jeric Darker Me Samples.
  • Drag the wav into instrument editor in Kontakt.
  • Instrument should be 6.0 Volume at Instrument Edit Mode > Amplifier. (Kontakt automatically -6.0 for all instruments in settings..)
  • Remember to save, Kontakt > Files > Save as..

Finalize chorus vocals, perfect it and paste at right places.

Added a Nexus White noise effect to reprise.

Added phone dial tone effect to reprise.

Added tick tock noise for lyrics.

Recorded main vocals for the song.

Vocal edited ..

Bounced Superior drums here.

Decided to bounce vocals as well.

Bounced to rough_stage3_bounce.

Unload to rough_stage3_unloaded.

Stage 4:

Added Harp, and Piano Rifts, Celeste.

Added Nexus Matrix Bass + Custom LFO for the retro sound . 123 123. Saved into Cubase custom preset for XLFO tool .. called it Retro 123. Also saved to XLFO > Presets folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugIns\LFOTool Presets

Retro 123

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