How to create your own Karaoke subtitles with Aegisub?

Download http://www.aegisub.org/downloads/

  1. Run Aegisub
  2. Load the video: Video > Open Video
  3. Scroll video to the correct position in the Player window.
  4. Then scroll to that time in the Audio Spectrum window.
  5. Now highlight the area of the text to add subtitles in the Spectrum Window.
  6. In the textfield below, enter the subtitles, then hit ENTER. This will add the subtitle IN and OUT and TEXT in the lines below.
  7. The Audio spectrum automatically moves to the next LINE of speech, and you can use the BLUE play button there to hear the automatic selection, and adjust accordingly, before repeating step 6.

HINT: Click on the lines below the Player, to scroll the Player window to the correct position for playback and preview.


If you need to convert the completed ASS file to SRT, use:


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How to upload files to Google Drive from linux, unix command prompt?

  • Check what version of unix you are using: uname -a
  • Visit and download respective ‘drive’ utility from:
  • wget the file.
  • Rename the file to drive using ‘mv ????? drive’
  • Set the correct file permission for ‘drive’, chmod 755 drive
  • Execute drive: ./drive
  • Visit the on-screen URL, obtain the code and paste into ‘drive’ program.
  • Use the following command to upload: drive upload -f <folder/file>
  • The upload happens in real-time on Google Drive.
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